Interview Report

Limitless Future Opportunities: computer science

          Is studying computer science worth it? The answers is that there is so many benefits and limitless future opportunities. For example: Can you imagine your life without computer, mobile or modern technology? Nowadays we live in a society where ours daily life is based on technology. In this situation studying computer science is very beneficial. I am interested in studying computer science, so to know more about computer science I interview with Erik Grimmelmann who studied computer science and worked in computer science field more than 40 years. He worked at VP, IP Networks and Access almost 20 years and he also worked other company too. Currently he teaches computer science in the city college of new york.conducted interview with him in person. By interview him i got so much knowledge about computer science. I learned that opportunities are endless and learning never ends for computer scientists.

         Since high school he was curious about computer science, which made him want to pursue computer science as his career. He studied in white plains high school. When he was in high school he took summer toook summer class about computer science and he found it very interesting. He was very good in math and science, so he thought that computer science would be a great field for him. He studied in Haverford college. He was so interested about computer science that he learned mostly by himself about computer science besides academic studies. When he was in college he learned programming , database and ect. During college he used to write programming for people and private company. He worked part time in computer science besides studies which helped him to have a great career in computer science field and build his experience for future job.

           After college he got his first job very easily. He started job as a computer scientists at division manager, business orchestration solutions( AT&T Computer System). He was very good at programming. Therefore, he didn’t had to face much difficulties in his first job. But sometimes he got some challenging project but his coworkers helped him to overcome with the problem or difficulty which made his first job easier for him. He always like to explore thing and like to do different job for different company. That’s why after two years he changed his first job and started his second job at VP, IP Networks and Access and worked there almost 20 years in different position. He also worked for other company too, but work experience was almost same.

He had to work by himself and sometimes in a group. In daily basis job he had to write programming, make presentation, conference and work with client. Sometime he used to work for multiple project at the same time. After so many years working with different company, he decided to teach. Currently, he is working as a computer science professor in the city college of new york.

             He told me that in computer science they do different types of writing. He said that writing is very important for computer science because you need to explain programming solution clearly to the client and others. also computer users will have be able to understand, so that they know how they can use your program. That’s why it’s important to learn to write instructions and documents well. He said that they also do many other writing for example: technical paper writing, peport, presentation and other thing.

          Not only writing communication also very important. He said to me that you should have strong communication skills for working in computer science field. Successful communication skills is great way to perform your duties and responsibilities. Being computer scientist you will have to be able to explain your ideas, project, and also you will have to do lot of presentation , so communication is very important.

         Since, he has many years experience in computer science field, he gave me lot of advice for me which will be very helpful for me now and in future too. He said that at first you will have to always very interested and curious about it, because as a computer scientist you will have to very creative. You should have problem solving skills, coz you will get different types of project each time and also you will have to finish those project in specific time. He also told me that, try to have some real work experience while you are in college. Also the most important thing is that learning never ends for computer science. you will always learn because new trends appear everyday. At the end, he wished me best of luck. There is limitless opportunities in computer science field because computer science is rapidly growing field. Computer science will always have high demand, sicce our everyday life is based on computer.

            I was always interested in studying computer science, but never got any opportunities to talk to anyone about computer science who studied and worked in this field. I had many question about computer science. For example: how is real work experience like? What do they do? Is it easy to get a job? What skills you should have? And many other question. Since I didn’t knew anyone I always tried to find these answers in google. I got some of my answer in google but not everything. So this interview was really helpful for me. I learned so much about computer science from Erik Grimmelmann. Finally, I can say that studying computer science is worth it.