cover letter


Woodside, NY 11377


[email protected]

February 28, 2019

Jetblue Airways Corp

Long Island City, New York 11101

RE: [Internship]

Dear Hiring Executive,

My name is Nusrat Patwary. I am a computer science student at the City College of New York (CUNY). Recently, I learned of the computer science internship opening with JetBlue Airways Corporation, Inc and I am writing to you in hopes of being considered for this position. I found about this job through and I am very familiar with your company and I believe I would be the perfect candidate with my combined experiences, skills set and commitment will be able to support your company’s mission.

My previous experience working as library volunteer for newcomers high school, gave me some skills about computer and technology and how to be a multitasker. I have an excellent task record of being organized and responsible. In my workplace I always try to collaborate with my team members. I think my oral and written communication skills and ability to solve well defined problems make me great candidate for your team.

In my attached resume you will find additional details of my educational and employment background for your review. I believe my leadership and analytical talents will prove to be an invaluable asset to your company. I would like to schedule an interview to learn more about the position and explore ways in which I can positively impact JetBlue Airways Corporation.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to our collaboration.


Nusrat Patwary